Structural Engineering Services – SECD Technical Services LLC


Location : S E C D Technical Services LLC 509 - Light Tower, Dubai, UAE.

SECD Technical Services LLC is offering outstanding good quality work of Structural Engineering Services. Our Structural Detailing Services focus on delivering accurate and detailed drawings that enhance the clarity of complex structures. Our Structural BIM 3D Modeling Services deliver highly accurate, detailed models that enhance collaboration, efficiency, and project coordination.  We ensure that all critical aspects, from materials to load-bearing capacities, are accurately represented, giving contractors and engineers the essential data they need for smooth project execution.

Get in touch with us to discuss your upcoming Structural CAD Design Services.

Our Structural Engineering Includes:

– Structural Drafting and Design
– Structural Precast Detailing
– Structural Rebar Detailing And Cost Estimation
– Structural Fabrication Drawing
– Structural Erection Drawing

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