Nessco Fully Automatic Paper Cup Machine: Ideal for All Business

Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : Makkah Saudi Arabia

Looking for a affordable paper cup production solution? The Nessco fully automatic paper cup machine offers top-rated, precision manufacturing with minimal downtime. Ideal for businesses seeking efficiency and quality, this machine ensures consistent results. Contact us now to get better deals!

Machine Specification

Brand: Nessco

Production Speed: 160 Pcs/Min

Paper Cup Size Range: 3oz – 16oz

Paper Specification: 190-400 gsm

General Power: 12 KW

Power Supply: 380V 3 Phases

Weight: 5000 kg

Machine dimensions: (2900x1380x1800) mm

Air Specification: 0.5~0.8Mpa, 0.4 m³/min

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